She is intelligent, with great strength of character and will. Pragmatic with the gift of vivid imagination. Reserved...yet filled with self-confidence. Deeply loyal and sincere. Complex, sometimes contradictory and with a rebellious streak. Above all she longs for live in freedom. Through her run links of steel: Jane Eyre.
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human
being with an independent will.
We meet Jane as a young orphan girl just before she is sent away to Lowood School. Unlike those around her, Jane thinks herself plain..but in truth she is captivating and fully alive. The Jane bracelet reflects a strength of character and rich imagination anchored in an historic setting. The foundation of the bracelet is comprised of a vintage steel chain with links hammered from steel rod. The design references Victorian chain link bracelets. The closure is unusual and complex, reflecting Jane’s rich inner life. It is not an easy clasp. It reminds us of the privation of women at the time. Anchored by a plain, brown Victorian button it is bordered by small silver buds. Not outwardly showy, this small button has a unique beauty all its own...and a steel shank full of purpose. A Victorian skeleton key has been altered for the clasp...a reference to locked rooms, the importance of ‘place’ in the novel and Jane’s search for home. On one side the bracelet is modest and plain...but turn it over and Jane’s vivid inner imaginings become visible.
Vintage steel chain, hammered & formed found steel, silver plated beads, sterling beads. brass, Victorian Button, Silver plated wire, silver charms
Fashion Shoot: Photographs/Art Zaratsyan. Styling: Grace Chumfong (G for Grace). Model: Rachel Sargent.